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Service Configurations

Ziti Service Configurations, henceforth "Configs", may be associated with a service to provide metadata for the application that is being delivered by that service.

Configs are created and updated through the edge-management API and consumed by edge SDKs through the edge-client API. Configs and Config Types are Ziti entities. Each Config is an instance of a Config Type.


The configuration store has several components:

  1. Config Types
    1. Config Types define a type of Config, including an optional JSON schema that the configuration data must conform to.
    2. Config Types have the following properties:
      1. A Config Type name
      2. An optional JSON schema to validate configurations of the type
      3. Standard edge entity properties: id, tags, createdAt, updatedAt
  2. Configs
    1. Configs have the following properties:
      1. A Config name
      2. The configuration data, which is arbitrary JSON data, so long as it conforms to the type schema (if specified)
      3. Standard edge entity properties: id, tags, createdAt, updatedAt
  3. Services
    1. Each service can be linked to multiple Configs. Services can have one linked Config for each Config Type.
  4. Identities
    1. An identity may have a Config specified for a given service and Config. This will override the service's linked Configs.

This configuration model has the following properties:

  • Different applications can have their own Configs for the same service
  • Applications can have multiple Config Types for themselves where it makes sense
  • There are tunneler Config Types for intercept (client) side and hosting (server) side
  • Since an application can support multiple Config Types, applications can version their Config Types as their needs change

Tunneler Config Types

The Ziti tunnelers are themselves SDK applications and so they serve as an example of how configuration data can be used.

  • Tunnelers need to know what ip/dns and port(s) to intercept for services they are proxying on the intercept (client) side
  • Tunnelers need to know where to forward to destination servers on the hosting (server) side

Ziti provides a handful of tunneler Config Types.

The most relevant Config Types:

  • intercept.v1: used by a tunneler to configure itself as a proxy for a particular service
  • host.v1: describes the destination server for a Ziti service hosted by a tunneler

Other Config Types:

  • host.v2: an array of host.v1 Configs
  • ziti-tunneler-client.v1: predecessor of intercept.v1
  • ziti-tunneler-server.v1: predecessor of host.v1

The tunneler Config Types' schemas are maintained in GitHub.